ca·thex·is | \ kə-ˈthek-səs : investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea
We invest in talented people solving challenging problems.
Early stage Venture Capital for…
01 — Extraordinary Founders
Dedicated leadership. Inspirational intelligence. Unique energy. Technical expertise. Focused creativity.
02 — Building Something People Want
Engaged users. Differentiated offering. Sticky retention. Sustainable support. Positive outcomes.
03 — With Speed and Efficiency
Responsive iteration. Defensible plan. Scalable growth. High margins. Simple onboarding.
Be radically open minded.
"I needed to replace the joy of being proven right with the joy of learning what is true.
This need prompted me to seek out the most thoughtful people I could find who disagreed with me. I didn't care about their conclusions, I just wanted to see things through their eyes and to have them see things through my eyes so that together we could hash things out to discover what's true.
In other words, what I wanted most from them was thoughtful disagreement.
Going from seeing things through just my eyes to seeing things through the eyes of these thoughtful people was like going from seeing things in black and white to seeing them in color. The world lit up.
That's when I realized that the best way to go through the jungle of life is with insightful people who see things differently from me."
- Ray Dalio